I am a man, husband, father, son, brother, friend and colleague. These roles, and the journey of living and being them, is the source of my greatest struggles and greatest joy. These roles, much more than being a psychologist or photographer, has defined the journey of my life, which in turn has shaped everything I do.
As photographer and clinical psychologist the journey is about the balance of light and shadow. I am not an objective recorder or reporter of what is in front of me, but creatively engaged in bringing forth something that is beautiful. The art, for me, is about creating something where my subjectivity and what I see becomes merged with who or what is in front of me. And what is beautiful to me is not an end product that is "pretty" or "happy", but one which conveys complexity and realness.
I am deeply passionate about difference and what that means in life. In my own neurodivergence, and with my own mental health, I believe richness and complexity can be found in the borderlands of human existence. That grey place between right and wrong, beyond everything that is considered normal and socially appropriate. That dark place in the soul where everything is reduced to what is essential.